Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6070 황지언 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6070 황지언

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,668회    댓글: 0

English Name:   Coco

ID no.:  6070

Korean Name:   황지언

CIA English Camp

I joined to this CIA camp. This is my fourth time joining a camp but not in CIA alone. The first three camps. I joined other camp. When I came here. there are many Filipinos and Korean teachers who are happy to welcome us. I think  here in CIA is cool and their meals are clean so it’s fine with me. Here.  we have to study hard so I think this camp makes the student become smarter than before. The teachers are kind and my friends are good too. The room is a little bit dirty but having friends is good. Ah! We have roll call time  and we have to have an English concentration. Maybe. when I go back to Korea. my English skills will improve. Here. they gave snacks so we do not feel hungry. Here. I think it’s better than the other camp that I joined in. Next time. I want to join special camp not a Sparta camp. I think special camp is good and Filipino teacher’s English speaking and their voice is good too. I want to join this camp one more time.





CIA 영어 캠프

나는   CIAcamp 오게 되었다. 4번째의 캠프다.3번은 다른곳을 갔다.

여기에 오니.많은 필리핀.한국선생님들이 반갑게 맞이해 주셨다.생각보다 여기는 시원했다.그리고 깨끗했다.밥은 그럭저럭 이었다. 캠프는 공부를 더많이 하게해서 학생들을 똑똑하게 만들었다.선생님들도 친절했고.친구들도 좋았다.!점호도 만들어 영어 집중력을 늘렸다.아마 한국에 돌아가면.영어 실력이 올라갈것이다.여기는 일정 날마다 간식을 주어서  배고픔도 덜어주엇다.지금가지온 캠프중에서 제일 좋은것같다.아마도 말이다.나는 스파르타 캠프말고.스페셜 캠프도 경험해 보아야 겠다.스페셜이니까 더좋을 것이다.필리핀 쌤들도 톤이 좋을 것이다.그러니까  필리핀스페셜 캠프일 테니까 나는 다시참가할것이다<span style="font-size:12.0pt;lin


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