Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6067 이성현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6067 이성현

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,740회    댓글: 0

Top 6067


I came to this camp for me to improve my English Skills. My Mother told me to stay in the Philippines. at first I don’t want to study here. This camp was very nice for me .I met more friends in here they are my very close friend of mine Gill. Max. John. First day in the camp we had our orientation the teacher’s introduced themselves in front of us they all looked unfamiliar to me. I was told my self that the challenges starts now. It was not easy for me at the start because I have to make adjustment. I am very thankful that I have my new friends. I have man to man Teachers. group class Teachers. vocabulary Teacher and swimming teacher. There is a secret room for the students who always misbehaving during their stay in the camp. But it was helpful for us to learn out mistakes done in the camp. They are good to me all the time and they also teach me how to be good as a person.

I have also visited the beautiful places in Cebu like Casa Miani. Plantation Bay. Edge Coaster. Crocolandia and I really love S.M because I can buy many foods in there. Sometimes I feel great here in the camp because all of the. Filipino staff. Teachers. Korean staff is always good at me.


This camp is very nice and memorable winter vacation for me. I want to go back this camp again. I have to say thank you for the wonderful experiences. I will really miss all of my friends and Teacher’s in the Philippines.




나는  캠프에 와서 영어 능력이 성장되엇다. 사실 처음에 어머니 께서 필리핀 캠프를 가라고 말씀하셨을 때엔 가고 싶지 않앗다. 하지만 이곳에  와서 병길이형 .현수형. 선우형 이라는 좋은 친구들을 만날수 있었다. 캠프에 우리 앞에서 선생님들을 소개하는 오리엔 테이션을


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