Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6059 이서진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6059 이서진

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,523회    댓글: 0



CIA English Camp

I leave in Korea on January 2. 2012 and arrived in the Philippines on January 3. 2012. All teachers. friends and place were strange to me. I also feel scared because all people look like they knew each other except me. My first level test. I did it well so I got pretty high C group. Time was going. my English skills improved and I talked joke with Filipino teachers. I also made best friend. Philippines is very far. Usually. people will lonely if the family is far. But I am always happy with good teachers and kind friends. We can know word’s meaning when we heard one time like “funny”. I made other word. It was “admire” I always said that word in my room so my roommate knew the meaning too. During camp. I had many kinds of bad feeling. It was not always happy; I had to win something hardly so it was a good remembrance. Become intimate with my friends. my days were happy. Maybe I can’t forget my food friends and teachers. Banana boat and Jet Ski was very exciting. Pass over the sea! It’s very exciting so I said ‘faster! Faster!’. I learn many things in here. Human relation. friend ship and study. My family is very important. When I heard ‘CIA’. I thought it’s not only study English. I can think many things. We went to orphanage and it was good too. I think children look sad but they were active. I thought CLA camp is very good for me.












CIA 캠프 연수 후기

나는 1 2일에 한국을 떠나 필리핀에 도착했다. 모든 선생님. 친구들. 장소가 낯설었다. 빼고 모든 사람들이 서로 아는 사이인 같아서 조금 두렵기도 하였다. 처음 레벨테스트. 침착하게 잘해서 그런지 높은 그룹인 c 배정이 되었다. 시간이 갈수록. 영어 실력이 늘면서 필리핀 선생님들과 영어로 농담도 주고받고 친구들 사이에서는 베프도 생기게 되엇다. 아는 사람 하나 없는 필리핀 . 누구라도 외로웠을 것이다. 하지만 나를 항상 챙겨주는 선생님들과 <span lang="KO" style="font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%; font-family:"Batang"."serif";mso-ascii-font-family:Arial;mso-hansi-font-family: Arial;mso-bidi


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