Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6058 이종원 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6058 이종원

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,529회    댓글: 0

ID number: 6058

Korea name: 이종원

English name: Mel

CIA English Camp

                I went to Cebu on January 3. My reason of joining this camp is to study Math and go to SM. I like math most and I eat hamburger and snacks in SM. My parents introduce me about this camp. My parents know about this camp in the internet. They said this camp help me to improve my English skill. I can say that CIA camp is strict but sometimes funny. because we should get up at 7 o’clock in weekdays. and if you not do well you will be sent in the secret room and do hard exercise. But in weekend. we are free. We can play sports and go to SM. Before I came here in the camp I felt little nervous and little interesting. but now I feel tired and funny. I can’t forget when I rode the edge coaster. it was very scary but my best experience in the camp is to go SM. I can buy snacks and drink in there. I can also eat delicious burger in Jollibee. I learn English and math in this camp. I think my English skill was improve because I can ask some questions to people. also I learn middle school math in this camp. 

아이디 숙자: 6058

한국  이름: 이종원

영어 이름: Mel

                저는 1 3. CIA 캠프에 왔습니다. 제가 캠프를 즐기는 이유는 수학을 배울 있고 일주일의 한번 SM 있기


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