Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6056 박민지 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6056 박민지

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,426회    댓글: 0

6056 Gracie

                      <My First Camp>

    Before. I want to go to Canada. But. I didn’t go to Canada.  And. when my mom ask me. if I want to go Philippines CIA English camp. I said yes. So. I went to this camp. This is my first time to join this camp. When I arrived. I was very nervous. because this camp had many students. My room was very hot because we didn’t turn on air condition. So. I rest and slept. I stayed here for six weeks. We had so many activities here. I think my best activity was SM. SM was very big and cheap store. Another activity was Jet Ski. it was very interesting but little scary for me. I like CIA camp because it made of friends and teachers. Lastly. I learned English well and I think my English skill has improved. CIA camp is very good and very important camp. When I go back Korea. I will miss CIA friends and teachers. Thank you and Goodbye!

        <나의 첫번째 캠프>

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그런데 갑자기 취소가 되어버려 엄마꼐서 다른 곳을 알아 보시다가  CIA 캠프라는 곳을 발견했다.CIA캠프는 되게 깨끗하고 좋아보였다. CIA캠프에 이렇게 해서 오게 되었다. 필리핀에 처음 도착했을 때는 너무 덥고 습하다고 느끼면서 숙소로 왔다. 처음에는 에어컨을 키는 방법도 몰라 그냥 자고 .일어나고 .밥먹고.


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