Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6053 성유진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6053 성유진

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,302회    댓글: 0

Ashley 6053


         I came to this camp because of my mother’s persuasions. At first. I didn’t want to come here. I thought that it is hard for me to adapt to new surroundings here in Philippines. When I decided to join CIA winter camp here in Cebu I felt joy at last I can travel abroad and meet new friends. When I arrived at the airport there were many students. When we had our orientation the teacher’s introduced themselves in front of us they all looked unfamiliar to me. After arriving here in the Philippines I felt really tired and I was really nervous and palpitated to meet new friends and teachers too. After that I went to my room. I met two 8 weeks girls. There were only 4 middle school first grade girls except me. At first we were really clumsy. So we have some time to talk to each other. After then we had meal together and stayed in one room. After that we became good friends. When we took the level test I was in A group. There were older sisters; older brothers and boyfriends in group A. There were no girl friends. I was worried a lot. I thought I can’t be closed to them. However. older sisters talked to me and took care of me. So we became good friends too. I am very happy. Before I came to this camp I am really worried about swimming class because I can’t swim well. I learned swimming before but I was afraid to learn swimming so I stopped. However. here is different. According to the introduction. learning swimming is not so hard. because Korean teacher taught me very kindly about it. Fortunately I can swim a little. So I am happy. And the man to man class is more interesting than other class. I can do free talking with my teacher; I can be closed to my teacher to find a point of sameness. Group class is fun too. I think we communicate to each other and talked interesting stories that are fun. Also. playing games together is great. Activities that we do every Saturday can relieve my stress. I like plantation bay the most. Because it was my first time to swim with my older sisters. older brothers and friends. Shopping at the SM mall and buying lunch ourselves is very fun. Though. it was hard to communicate. But there are all precious experiences. Swimming on Sunday was also really fun. because I can swim together with the teachers. I think many experiences that I had in this camp were all fun and precious. I think time flies so fast as much as I can have many experiences I feel good. I have 1 week left so I want to enjoy this camp more.









Korean version:

나는 처음 엄마의 권유로 오게 되었다. 처음에는 정말가기 싫었다. 새로운 환경에 적응 한다는 것은 매우 힘든 것이라고 생각했기 때문이다. 필리핀에 가기로 마음먹었을때는. 그저 외국에 나가고 새로운 친구들을 만난다는 것에 들떠있었다. 공항에 도착했을 때는 많은 아이들이 도착해있었다.

오리엔테이션을 할때. 앞에서 소개하시던 선생님들이 많이 낯설었다. 필리핀 도착후 많이 졸렸지만. 선생님들과 친구들을 만날수 있다는 생각에 설레기도 하고 떨렸다. 방에 들어가서 8 1 여자친구 2명을 만났다. 1 여자친구들은 나를 포함하지 않고 4명밖에


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