Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6049 구교민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6049 구교민

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,549회    댓글: 0

6049 Tommy 구교민

Post Script

CIA English Camp

 I went to the camp with my younger brother because father’s told us to come here. And we were first student in the room D5 and I went that room and We stop for 5 seconds. After 3 days we had new bed in our room. (But indisposition) we did some level test and I’m in the group D4. Every Saturday we went to the SM and do some outside activity. The food they served was not so good it taste bad for me and other student. If I feel hungry I just used my I.D card just to bought foods and snacks in the canteen. So every Saturday I’m so glad because I can buy anything in SM. We do some activity like banana boat. Jet Ski. crocodile land. school and home visit. Another thing is we do second time with the level test and our room change because our group level was change. But some student feels bad and sad because their group was change. So next time if I have a chance to come here I just think first wisely.


6049 Tommy구교민


 나는 아버지가 나와 동생을 보내서 오게 되었다.그리고 방이 D5방이었는데 가자마자 5 정도 기분이 멍했다.그렇게 엄청 나쁘게 3일이 지나고 드디어 침대가 놓였다.(그래도 불편했다) 레벨테스트를 봐서 D5 돼고 4주에들이 와서 D4 돼었다.그리고 SM 가고 그럭저럭 1주가 지났다.(하지만 밥이 무척 맛없고. 보니까 밥이 떡이 돼있었다)드디어 ID카드를사용할수 있게 돼어서 나는 과자들을 샀다.우리는 매주 토요일마다 SM 가고 일요일에는 고아원.학교.제트스키.바나나보트등에 가고.탔다.(그래도SM 제일 좋다)그리고 2번째 레벨테스트를 보고 방도 바뀌고 좋았다.그런데 클래스 메이트가 꽝이었다.어쨌든 좋은 추억이 <SPAN lang=KO style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Batang'.'serif'; LINE-HE


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