Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6040 조민영 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6040 조민영

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,328회    댓글: 0

ID #: 6040

English Name: Tia

Korean Name: 조민영 Cho Min Young

CIA English camp

            First. my mother told to me to join the CIA camp. I’m very nervous. because this is my first time ride an airplane and go to another place alone. That time half is unexpected while the other half is I’m worried. I came here yesterday. me and my family went to trip. One and half month. I can’t see my family. so I’m sad.

                As I arrived here first night. I worried about sleep and I lived people whom I don’t know and no parent. Three days passed by. I live with my roommate. I’m close with my roommate. We are playing and studying together.

            I arrived here after one week. we started studying too much. First. I can’t speak well and they are foreigner. so I’m very impartiality. I always study with the teachers. I’m very close with my teachers. My English Skills has improved and I can speak English well.

            Every Saturday. we went to SM. Monday to Friday. we always study hard. We went to SM and ate delicious food. I’m had fun. I feel very happy. Every Sunday. we have an activity. We had our School Visit. we went to Casa Miani. rode a jet ski. banana boat and went to Plantation Bay. At Plantation bay. we rode kayak. we went to sea and played in the swimming pool.

            CIA English Camp is good to me. They are part of my family. They are important to me. They share their knowledge about English. I had many experience here and I am so happy.




CIA 영어캠프

처음  엄마 CIA영어 캠프에 가라고 했을때 엄청 당황했다. 왜냐하면 한번도 부모님 없이 비행기를 타본적도 가본적도 없었기 때문이다. 그때는 기대반 걱정반이였다. 필리핀 오기 하루전 가족여행을 다녀왔다. 니제 1 반동안 가족을 보지 못한다는 것이 서운했다.

            여기 도착했을 때의 첫날 . 어마 아빠 없는 곳에서 모르는 사람과 같이 자고 지낸다는 것이 무섭고  두려웠다. 하루 이틀 같이 방친구들과 지내다 보니 모두 친해졌고 적응해서 지냈다.

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