Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6030 정한솔 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6030 정한솔

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,247회    댓글: 0




     I arrived in Philippines on January 2. 2012. My reason of joining this camp is to study English. My mother introduced me to this camp. CIA camp is good and it’s my chance to grow my English skills. Before I coming here in the Philippines I felt exciting and now that I am here in the camp I am happy. I have a lot of experienced here in the camp like riding a Banana boat and Jet ski. Edge Coaster and Plantation bay. Fort San Pedro and Crocolandia zoo. went to an Orphanage the Casa Miani. school visit. home visit and more. My best experienced here the activities every weekends and I experienced the Filipino cultures during Home visit and School visit. When we went to the teacher’s house I ate some Filipino dishes and it was very delicious. I’ve met a lot of people here in the camp like the Filipino teachers. Korean staffs. Filipino students during school visit and my best friend here in the camp his name is Joe. I’ve learned a lot in the camp like Filipino games and some Filipino cultures. I think my English skill has improved because of my Filipino teachers. Aside from English. I also learned Math subject. swimming and sports. This camp is great.



나는 필리핀에 12일에 도착했다.내가이캠프에 참가한 이유는 영어를 공부하기 위해서고

캠프는 엄마가 소개시켜 주셨다.CIA 매우좋은 영어실력을 향상시킬수있는 기회다

여기에오기 전에 공항에선 매우기대돼었다. 왜냐하면 이번이 처음으로 필리핀 에온것이기 떼문이다.

이곳에 온후 영어 실력이 향상돼었다는 것을 느낄수있었다. 여기 CIA캠프에 와서 많은것을 느꼈다.

바나나 보트 그리고 제트스키 .엣지코스터 산페드로요새 그리고 악어농장 .카사미아니.학교방문.선생님 집방문.같은 나에가장 좋았던 기억은 학교방문 집방문등이 었다.

그이유는 그것들이 필리핀 문화를 가장잘 느끼게 해주었기 떼문이다.

필리핀 선생님 집에 갔을때 필리핀 음식을 먹어썼을때 그것들이 아주 맛있었다 여기서 많은 사람들을 만났다.한국 스태프 선생님들.필리핀 선생님들.한국 <SPAN lang=KO style="FONT-


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