Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6027 오수정 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6027 오수정

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,312회    댓글: 0

6027 오수정


CIA English Camp

I came to CIA English camp for my English skills and also to learn many things.

       At first. when I arrived at the airport I was a little bit nervous because many people joined this camp.

I arrived early dawn at the resort and met my roommates.

We were talking at each other but my roommates were using standard Korean so I felt awkward to talk to them but later on. we kept on talking so I slowly adapt to the language that their using.

      The Philippines is very hot. so I feel a little bit worried for my skin. However. the place was well ventilated and my room is air-conditioned. I took the level test and got very disappointed because my level test result was low so I was worried. So I promised myself to study hard to improve my English skills. After that. I met my Philippine English teachers and had free talking and I studied.

I usually think about our meals because sometimes.

Food is not delicious but on Tuesdays. Thursday and Sunday. we are able to eat delicious food between meals so. I get fine.

We also have roll call time every night so I usually go to bed late. The good thing is we have activities during weekends like going to SM shopping mall and also visit nice places here in Cebu. We can also rest during weekends. I really enjoyed staying in this camp and aside from improving my English; I also have many unforgettable experiences that I enjoyed the most.



6027 오수정




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