Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6018 김동우 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6018 김동우

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,398회    댓글: 0

 English name: David

ID #: 6018


English version:

             CIA Winter Camp

I left Korea to Philippines on January 3. I arrived in Philippines and stayed in camp. First. I listened about CIA camp’s schedule and I was fitted for camp’s schedule and I took a lesson to regular style. I had a swimming class vocabulary class man to man class in the morning. Then we had a lunch time after we have a class again. We have two group classes and one man to man class at afternoon and we wrote English diary in the evening. We did roll call and we finished my day. In swimming class teacher taught us free style to back scroll one by one. So we could learn easier than two by two. In vocabulary class teacher taught us very interesting words. so I learned more and had fun. And in man to man class we talked with Filipino teacher. I can get good English skills. I can also improve my English well. In group class wee can share each others ideas that we don’t know and learn some difficult words. we can improve our teamwork. On weekend we went to SM department store and we bought the things we needed. First. we went to Taoist temple and we know Philippine history. Second we did sea sports activity. We rode Jet Ski and banana boat. It was very fun. Lastly we went to Plantation Bay. We played with friends. So I knew that friends are very important I also went to home visit. I went to teacher Dustin’s house. I was playing basketball and I watched movie with group mates. It was very fun. I thought school visit was very boring. I don’t know reason. Then I rode an edge coaster. When I went up I was very scary. But it was exciting and thrilling. I had so much fun

Korean version

나는 12일에 필리핀행 비행기를 타고 필리핀에 도착해서 CIA 캠프에 도착하였다. 첫날에 CIA캠프 스케줄에 대해서 오리엔테이션을 듣고 다음날부터 본격적으로는 아니지만 점차 적응해가면서 본격적으로 수업을 시작 하였다. 오전수업은 수영.단어.11수업을 하고 점심을 먹은뒤에 오후수업에는 그룹수업.11수업.그룹수업으로 나뉜다. 그리곤 수학이 한국에 있는 친구들 보다 떨어질까봐 수학수업도 하고 영어로 일기도 쓰고 점호를 하고 하루 일과를 마친다.

수영수업에서는 자유형부터 평형까지 차근차근 1명씩 코지해가면서 지도해주시고 단어수업은 영어로만 그리고 예를 들어 가르쳐 주시고 11수업은 필리핀 선생님과 1시간30분동안 끊임없이 영어로 대화하면서 외국인에 대한 압박감도 날려버리고 계속 들음으로 인해 점차 영어를 듣는 귀가 향상되고 그룹수업은 같은 그룹원들과 모르는 단어를 서로 가르쳐 주면서 팀워크도 향상시킨다. 평일이 지나가고 주말이 오면 SM이라는 대형백화점에 가서 필요한 물건도 사고 필리핀 음식도 즐겼다. 그리고 처음한 활동은 사원에가서 둘러보고 역사도 알아보고 필리핀에 발자국 다가서는 기회가 되었다. 그리고 악어농장을 가서 난생 처음으로</SP


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