Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6017 최소담 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6017 최소담

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,339회    댓글: 0

6017 Emma





CIA English Camp



This is my second time to join the CIA camp. I met many new friends and new teachers. Friends and teachers are very good people. so I can be friend them easily. The reason why I want to join this camp is that I don’t want to stay at home. It was my academy teacher who introduced me the CIA camp. This winter camp help improve my English skill. Before. I went here I felt very nervous. But. now I’m enjoying every moment here. Every Wednesday. we have fun activity. And every Saturday. we go outside the resort. And have adventure activity from other beautiful place. Sunday we have weekly test. At first. I was very tired to study. But because the Filipino teachers are friendly that why I enjoy studying. I learned many new words. I went to SM when I was very restless. I bought many foods and many things. My best experience here in CIA camp was the Plantation Bay adventure. This camp isn’t only about improving English skills; it also helps improve interpersonal relationship with other people. In this camp. I can feel the importance of my family and friends. My friends are also important to me. especially. my roommates. because I can tell my secret to them. I want to join this camp again. I get many precious things and memories here at CIA English winter camp.





6017 Emma 최소담



                           <나의 두번쨰 영어캠프>


나는 두번쨰로 CIA 겨울 영어캠프에 참가하게 되었다. 그곳에서 나는 새로운 친구와 선생님들을 만났다. 서로 처음에는 어색했지만. 친구들과 선생님들이 다좋은사람들이라서 금방친해질수있었다.매주 수요일. 우리는 강당에 모여서 여러가지 재밌는 활동들을 하고 토요일마다 우리는 밖으로 놀러나갔다. 일요일에는 주말테스트도 있었다. 처음1~2주는 공부하는게 너무힘들었지만 필리핀선생님과 친해지면서 공부가 재밌어지기 시작했다. 새로운단어들도 많이알게 되었다. SM을가는 날이면 나는 매우 들떳었다. 많은생활용품과 간식들을많이샀었다. 나는 이 캠프에 와서 많은것을


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