Logger Script 20th CIA Junior English Camp_4010 김민지 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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20th CIA Junior English Camp_4010 김민지

작성자: 4012 강희연님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,725회    댓글: 0

4010 Sally


CIA Experience



                                                Suddenly. I came the CIA English camp. I didn’t imagine that I came here because my age is 18. I’m a high school student. I don’t have enough time to study. So. at first I didn’t want to come here but I changed my mind because I don’t have accurate dream. I want to find my dream here. The reason is my favorite subject is English. I want to be an elementary teacher someday. I keep the presence of my mind and arrived Mactan International Airport at 3 am last January 7th. It was little unfamiliar weather for us. There were very many foreigners and palms. Also. I didn’t have my family here. At first time. I’m the oldest student in this camp so everyone didn’t come to me. Everyday I was alone and I felt sad.

                                                At that time. my roommate was Doris and Vicky. They said to me “let’s play together with us”. And they introduced Kyeong. Kitty. Joe. Jully. Sarah and some of their friends. They are 5 and 6 weeks students so they will stay here more weeks in CIA Camp. They are really cheerful. affirmative and interesting girls. I actually met a lot of people here in the camp like. my Filipino teachers. Korean staff teachers. children from Casa Miani Orphanage and I met some Filipino during our Home Visit to the teacher’s house. Filipino people here in the Philippines here are really kind and friendly. At first. it is hard to adapt but I can adjust now. The food here sometimes not delicious but during our Home Visit our teacher prepare delicious foods for us.

                                              The camp was really exciting for me now. Every weekend. before we went to our activities we went first at SM Mall and we do shopping. CIA Camp has a lot of activities like Cebu City Tour. Water Sports Jet Ski and banana boat. and many more. I had the best experienced here in the camp. And I also found my dream. to be a successful elementary teacher. I am thankful to my Filipino teachers for teaching me well. I will miss this place and I will never forget all the happenings here in the camp. I will miss my new friends and especially my teachers but I already missed my family and friends back in Korea.





4010 Sally 김민지


CIA에서의 경험


갑자기 나는 CI A캠프에 오게 되었다. 나는 여기에 올거라는 상상조차 하지 못했다. 왜냐하면 나이는 18살이기 때문이다. 나는 고등학생이다. 나는 공부하기에도 시간이 충분하지 않다. 그래서. 처음에는 여기에 오기 싫었다. 그러나 마음을 바꿨다. 왜냐하면 나는 확실한 꿈이 없었기 때문이다. 나는 여기서 꿈을 찾고싶었다. 이유는 내가 좋아하는 과목이 영어이기 때문이다. 나는 언젠가 초등학교 선생님이 됐으면 좋겠다고 생각했다. 나는 마음을 굳게 먹고 17 새벽 3시에 Mactan 국제 공항에 도착했다. 우리에겐 조금 낯선 날씨였다. 거기엔 많은 외국인들과 야자수들이 있었다. 또한. 여기엔 <span style="font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%;font-family:"바탕"."serif";mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-fon


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