Logger Script 20th CIA Junior English Camp-S4008 강원태(Lawrence) > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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20th CIA Junior English Camp-S4008 강원태(Lawrence)

작성자: Sonny님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,618회    댓글: 0



I will ask a question. It’s in Philippines. It’s a camp. It’s my first English Camp experience. Do you know what it is? Yes. it’s right! It’s CIA English Camp!

Actually. my first choice to join the English camp is the “Have English Camp”. but when I saw CIA camp page. I thought that it is better. My guess was right. It is the best camp in my life! Now. and forever!

I arrived in Mactan Cebu International Airport at 2:00 a.m. And we took the bus. It took about 10 minutes to arrive in Crown Regency Hotel. Someone said that the first day in CIA Camp is day is the day after the sleeping. But. I think that the first day including the time between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. is better. We first went to the villa20. which is my first place to stay in CIA. I made some friends. Their names are Henry and Noel. They are good friends. They are also funny. I have these friends. so I ‘m happy until now.

Now. I’ll tell you my first friends in CIA camp. My first friends are…… You know! They are Henry and Noel! And. if I include my villamates (friends in villa. not the same room). I have Mike. Jamie. and Danny. They are all funny.

There are many activities in CIA. Like zipline. banana boat and jet boat. That’s the most exciting activities I’ve ever undergone! It was very great! First. zipline! Zipline is a rail-riding on the sky with no chairs- only safety materials! If we ride this first time. maybe we will be scared. But. while riding. I thought that it’s not scary. but exciting! And banana boat and jetboat! First. jetboat is the boat that goes up and down because the water in the ocean makes them go up. This is better than banana boat. But if I ride this. I have a aching in bottom and get some salty water from the sea because when the boat goes up and it makes the water splash. Second. banana boat is the boat that goes after the ship or another big boat. This doesn’t go up and down unlike jetboat. but its speed is fast but not as fast as a jetboat. So. jetboat is funnier than it.

But I didn’t say that we only played! As good as the activity. the form of the study is very good. I’m F class. so I first attend the voca class. and after that. I attend man to man. Native. second man to man. group and sport. I think that F class is good because we had the sports class in 6th class. so F class students (including me) can study hard and when the sports class comes. we can play! And the speech studying and contest is very good. This can make my speaking skills better- really better!

Because of this I want to join the CIA camp again. This camp is very good!


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