Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 4014 손의진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 4014 손의진

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,303회    댓글: 0


<연수 후기>

One day my mother said to me “You go to the Philippines for CIA Camp”. Then I said “I like it”. Then after that. I arrived in the Philippines on January 8. I was in the airport and I am not feeling well. Then I want to go home. I only want to go home in my first week staying here in CIA Camp and I thought it was very long. I always thinking that I want to go home. Two weeks after. the weeks passed by then I like to stay here and to study English because I have already a lots of friends here. I’m just thinking of myself that I don’t like to go home. I was enjoyed a lot of activities that we have in this camp. I was enjoyed in Plantation Bay go on swimming. wall climbing. kayaking. and other activities that we have there. I think my English skill was developed upon staying here and I hope that it would be useful in the near future.


제목:CIA 필리핀 캠프

엄마가 어느날 필리핀에 어학연수를 가보라 했다. 그땐 실삼이 안났다. 그런데 눈깜짝 할사이에 CIA 캠프로 가는 버스에 타있었다. 공항에서도 실감이 안났다. 그런데아침에 눈을 떠보니 필리핀 이었다집에 가고 싶다는 생각만 했었다. 일요일은 정말 길게 느껴졌다그리고  계속  ‘ 집에 가고 싶다는라는 생각만 했다. 그런데 2주정도 지나니까 시간이 빨리간다는 생각이들고 3주정도 지나 니깐 집에 가기 싫어 졌다. 신기하다.분명히 2주전만해도 집에 가고 싶었는데 이제 차피 집은 언젠간 가는데 가기 싫다…’ 라고 생각하게


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