Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6064 임동호 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6064 임동호

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,201회    댓글: 0

6064  john   임동호

Title:   Precious Experience (English)

Suddenly. I came CIA English camp. I couldn’t imagine going to a foreign place that was only me. I was afraid that I am alone. And I think this place is difficult for me to adapt. First time. I didn’t want to come  but I am very contented. And I think I come here was good for me. I like this camp so much. It was strange because I don’t have my family here. Only friends. Korean staffs and Philippine tutor…. And many friends live Seoul and kukri do. so my talking is strange. Because I use my own dialect. Many friends use standard language. But I was friendly with friends very fast form many types of talking I was hard to intimate Korean staff but we are very friendly. We have joke and game. But sometimes they are much scraped they look like tiger teachers. Friendly many friends are funny. Every Sunday I take level test. This test is very important because this test is made high group or low group. I get many precious memories in the CIA English camp.












제목: 나의 소중한 캠프


나는 CIA 영어 캠프에 오게 되었다. 부모님 없이 외국을 나간다는 것은 생각도

하지 않았다. 나는 혼자인게 외로웠고 현지생활에 적응하는 것은  매우 불편하다고 생각했다. 처음부터 내가 이곳에 오겠다고 한것도 아니었는데. 나는CIA영어캠프에 만족하고 오길 잘했다고 생각한다.

외국을 부모님 없이 처음나온 나는 모든것이 낮설었다. 친구들도. 선생님들도. 필리핀 선생님들도. 더군다나 이상의 친구들이 서울쪽에서 친구들 이라서 나만 왠지 이상한 느낌이 들었다. 처음에는 나와 친구들이 서로 톤이 달라서 어색했다. 내가 사투리가 심한 아니었지만 표준말이 귀안에 익을때까지는 약간 힘들었다. 하지만 친구들과는 서로 많은 대화를<span lang="KO" style="font-size:14.0pt;li


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