Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 4022 엄승환 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 4022 엄승환 [1]

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 3,034회    댓글: 1

4022 엄승환 AIDEN





CIA English camp


I don’t want to go to this camp before but I had changed my mind when I stepped here in CIA camp. I saw many friends and good teachers. Then. I came to realize that I will have a good and fun stay in here. I have met good and bad friends here in this camp. I had experienced lots of things here too. There were good and bad experiences and happenings. The teachers are good. so I won’t forget them. They taught me very well. The Korean teachers looked scary because they seemed strict to us. but they are just doing that for our own safety. I should be thankful to all of them because they are all kind. funny and take good care of me while my parents are not here with me. Now. I already have good friends. I did not feel bored during class hours because whenever I will feel sleepy my teachers gave me fun things to do. Every night. we have diary making after dinner and have snacks before going to bed sometimes. I used to study hard because I want to learn new things from my teachers everyday. I learned to wake up early and do my homework well.


Every Saturday we have different activities to do like going to famous places in Cebu City. so. I have visited lots of places here. My most unforgettable experience here is when we went to SM Mall and bought lots of things there especially snacks and ate delicious foods there also.


 Even if my parents spent lots of money in sending me here but it’s worth it because I have learned lots of things in here. I will surely miss Philippines and all the people I met here. I will surely agree to them whenever they will send me back in here.



 나는 가기 전에 가기 전에 가기 싫기도 했다.

하지만 CIA 캠프에 오고 난 뒤 부터 생각이 바뀌었다.

여러 성격의 친구들.좋은 선생님들을 보고 좋은 생활 하리라 생각했다.

이 곳에는 나쁜 친구도 있고 좋은 친구도 있다.

이런 것 때문에 나쁜일도 있고 좋은 일도 있다.필리핀 선생님께서는 정말 좋고 정이 들어서 못 잊을 것 같다.그리고

선생님들은 공부를 쉽게 가르쳐 주신다.한국 선생님들은

우리를 엄하게 대하시지만 그 이유는 우리를 안전하게 지키려고 그런 것이고 친절하고 재미있게 대해 주신다.또 친구들과의 사이도 좋다.그래서 나는 아무리 생각하고 생각해도 이

캠프에 오기를 잘 했다.수업은 구체적이고 선생님들도 재미있는 수업을 하려고 노력 하시는 모습을 보면 나도 열심히 해야 겠다는 생각이 계속든다.나는 이 곳에 오면서 일기도 매일매일 쓰는 습관이 생겼고.그 외에도 빨리 일어나고 숙제도 더 잘하게 되었다.친구들이 어땠냐고 물어본다면 나는 이렇게 대답할 것이다.’돈을 쓰더라도 하번 가봐라고 할 것이다.




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