Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4009_김태현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4009_김태현

작성자: S4010_태우현님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,656회    댓글: 0






It was 11 PM July 21. 2013 when we arrived in the Philippines. It was my first time to study English here in Philippines. On my first day. I was so worried because I am not familiar with the place. My mom enrolled me as a Special Junior.

I joined CIA English Camp to study English. I know they will help me how to speak English well and this is very useful for me in becoming a pilot. And I also know that I will learn many things here in CIA Camp.

My first friend here in CIA Camp are Jack and Aron. they are my roommates. We play together and we both enjoyed with each other. My best friend Kevin is also here in CIA English Camp. That’s why I am happy because I already have friends.

We have a lot of activities here that I can’t forget. These are City Tour. Plantation Bay. SM Mall. Fishing. Zip line and Playing Filipino games. I can’t forget all of these because I enjoyed a lot. We also have level test. balloon art making. making name card and speech. I also learned how to read.write. speak and listen. I also improved my grammar and widen my vocabulary. In CIA we learn and enjoy at the same time.

I want to join CIA English Camp again because it helps me a lot especially in my speaking ability. And I also enjoy being here. Thank you CIA for giving us the chance to experience these all.





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