Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4008_송승민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4008_송승민

작성자: S4009_김태현님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,524회    댓글: 0







I arrived in the Philippines last July 22. 2013 at 1 o’clock in the morning. I felt excited on my first day in CIA English Summer Camp. I also felt happy because I met new friends.

I joined CIA English Summer Camp because my friend Chase is also here. Also. I want to learn English so that I can speak English well. I made more friends here in the camp. Their names are Leo. Rachel. Jun. Jason. Kevin. Jack. Seyun. and Peter.

During this camp. we went to Plantation Bay twice. I had so much fun swimming and playing with my friends but. we also went to different malls like SM and Ayala. My favorite thing to do is going to SM because I like shopping. We also had a city tour. We went to Sto. Niño Church and Fort San Pedro. And we also had fishing. I caught four fishes during that activity. It was very fun and exciting. After fishing we ate pork and drank royal.

Here in CIA. I learned many things. One of which was vocabulary. I learned many new words. Some of the words were difficult. Also I learned more in speaking English. Sometimes I can construct sentences correctly. In sports. I learned how to swim. to play badminton. table tennis and basketball. I felt happy that time because I played those sports with my friends. It was really fun and interesting to learn those sports.

I am still doubtful because in some ways I had fun here. I experienced many new things and I met new friends. But. I always missed my mom. dad. and brother when I am here. I want to be with them. I missed my room. our house. our Korean school. my Korean friends. and especially mom’s food. If I will join the CIA English Camp again I want to be with my family and enroll in a family camp.




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