Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4007_이세윤 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4007_이세윤

작성자: S4008_송승민님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,528회    댓글: 0






I arrived in the Philippines last July 21. 2013. It was Sunday. It was very dark and hot because the air conditioning system in the airport was not working. When I arrived at my room. I felt bad because my roommate was not my best friend. But after 4 days. the CIA staff changed one of my roommates. He was Jun. He is my best friend. That’s why I am already happy.

I joined CIA Camp because I want to learn English and I want to have memories in the Philippines. Also. I want to talk to other people in other countries. Aside from Jun and Aron. my first friends in CIA were Jason. Jacob. Ryan. Jenny. Annie. Ted. Amir. andAiden. They are very friendly. I have a lot of memories in CIA Camp.

My favorite was during SM free shopping. I bought a toy car. a muffin. hamburger for lunch. clothes. a laser pen. and glue. It was very fun and exciting because shopping with my friends is fun. I spent all my money during shopping.

I also learned a lot of things in CIA Camp. I learned writing. speaking. listening. reading. grammar. vocabulary. native. and sports. I think sports class is the most exciting and most fun in the camp. I also learned to make new friends. I learned many new words in vocabulary class because of Teacher Monica. I learned a lot of stories and how things are made in my reading class with Teacher Steph. Some stories are very interesting and some are scary like the story about “The Bermuda Triangle”. In listening class with Teacher Angeline. I learned how to listen and spell difficult words. It is very important to listen very well during listening class.

I want to join CIA English Camp again because the activities are very fun and Filipino teachers and staffs are very kind. See you all next English Camp!




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