Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4003_이준 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4003_이준

작성자: S4004_조민성님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,589회    댓글: 0






I arrived in the Philippines on the 22nd day of July. 2013 at 12 o’clock midnight. I felt scared and nervous because my parents are not here. On my first day in CIA. it was fun. Because the teachers are kind. they introduce CIA camp to us. They also made us play games. it was really good.

             I joined CIA English Camp because I want to learn more English. I also wanted to travel in many places like Philippines. When I came to the Philippines my first friend was. Jason (Jang Min Jun). We met in the hotel and we have the same room. 606. But then we are nine students in our room. Harry. Peter. Kevin. Jason. Jack. Jacob. Aron. Seyun and I. With us in the room also is our Korean sports teacher. T. Cruz. I like him because he is funny. he make jokes to all of us. He also does the roll-call every night making sure that we are all complete and safe.

             Staying in CIA gave me a lot of memorable experience. because all teachers are good and also the activities. One of my most memorable experiences is when we went to SM mall and Plantation Bay. Because it was super funny and I really had fun so much. Also here in CIA. I learned a lot.  I learned new and difficult words. I know how to read well. how spell the words correctly and pronounce the word properly. Though I have a hard time of learning English. still it is fun. I want my parents to be proud of me. On the next camp. I’ll join again because it is fun and interesting. Also I want to learn more English words and be better.





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