Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4002_김세희 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior English Camp_S4002_김세희

작성자: S4003_이준님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,700회    댓글: 0







Hi. I am Kim Sehee but my English name is Flora. I am from Seoul. Korea. I am in sixth grade. I arrived in the Philippines on July 22nd at 1:00 in the morning. It took 4 hours t travel from Seoul to Cebu. I was very excited and thrilled. It was my first time here in the Philippines so I was very nervous but it was fun. At first. I was ashamed to my classmates because I didn’t know them well. I started t know them as the camp went on. I made new friends and now I knew them very well. I joined CIA English camp because my mom told me to do so. At first. I really didn’t want to join because I thought CIA English camp is very hard. Later on. I realized that I should join for me to learn more about English and for me to broaden my knowledge and enhance my English speaking skills. My first friends in CIA English Camp are Annie. Cindy. Jenny 1 and Jenny 2. I met Annie because she is my roommate. And with Cindy. we met because we have the same level. I have a lot of memorable experiences in CIA. First. when we went to SM Mall. It is because we had a mission and it was very fun. And I bought many things. Second. we went to Plantation bay. The place was nice. There were swimming pool. beach . slide and trees. Also. I did archery. kayaking. wall climbing. bicycle riding and billiard. I also enjoyed swimming and the food was very delicious. It was really an unforgettable experience. Third. we went fishing. It was very fun because I was able to catch 5 fishes so I got 20 pesos as prize. We also ate samgyupsal (pork belly). It was very veryvery yummy. I can’t wait t eat it again. We also did a school visit and home visit. During the school visit. I experienced to be in a Filipino school. I sat with Filipino students and Ialso took the test. They were all nice to me. During the home visit. I went to teacher Judel’s house. We ate delicious foods. watched a movie and played some games. I really can’t forget these experiences.

In CIA. I also learned many things. I learned about Filipino culture because my teachers are Filipinos. But more than that. I learned more about English – reading. writing and speaking. I also have many new words now because of our vocabulary class.

I really enjoyed staying in CIA. Learning English is hard but fun and the evening snacks are delicious. So I hope I can join CIA English Camp again. Surely. I will miss you all especially my teachers. From the bottom of my heart. thank you very much. And I wish.I will see you all next time….




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