Logger Script 21st CIA Junior English Camp_F6002-송우성 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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  • 알면 알수록 믿음이 커지는 (주)CIA열린교육 영어교육사업부입니다.


21st CIA Junior English Camp_F6002-송우성

작성자: 4055 김주형님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,627회    댓글: 0





I arrived in Mactan Cebu International Airport. Last July 15. 2013 at around 1:30 in the morning. together with my Mom and little brother Roid. When we are in arrival area. teacher Paul and together with the Filipino teachers welcomed us and guide us going to Crown Regency Mactan. I felt shy on my first day in CIA Camp. even though this is my second time at this Camp.

I joined CIA Camp for the second times. because I want to improved more my knowledge and skills or ability to communicate with other people. I met new friends from this camp like Amir and Woods. Amir is kind. while Woods knows a lot about airplanes. My memorable experience in this CIA Camp is when I got perfect score in Vocabulary test. and my score is the best scores among the other students. And also. I did weekend activities together with my family and Filipino teachers. like Zip Line. going to Plantation Bay. and many more. It was very exciting and we really have fun in doing those activities. And I hope those memories will last forever. not only for the short time but for long period of time.

 I learned how to improve my Grammar. Vocabulary. Listening. Speaking. Writing. and Reading Skills during this CIA Camp. And this is very useful in my future to achieve my goals in life. And also I learned how to improve my talents in playing games such as basketball. badminton. board games and other games that we played in CIA.

 I want to join CIA Camp again. because if I will join CIA Camp again I will be able to improve my English skills more. like Grammar. Vocabulary. reading. writing. speaking. and listening skills.




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