Logger Script 21st CIA Junior Englsih Camp 4056 - 김아영 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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21st CIA Junior Englsih Camp 4056 - 김아영

작성자: F6002-송우성님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,622회    댓글: 0

Korean Name ; Kim A Yeong                                                       ID No; 4056<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

English Name ; Elly


                                                     “My CIA Experience”


I arrived her in Philippines on July 21st 2013 (Sunday) at 5;00 am. So. I was very tired. I slept many times. On my first day. I want to go home because I missed my family. But anyway CIA is a nice place. My brother and mother wants me to go here. First. my friend is Gina. We are friend already in Korea since we are still a baby. Gina’s mom and my mom are friends! My memorable experience was shopping in Sm mall. I learned English. Math and Philippine History. At first English is very har4d for me. But right no. English is fun. I hate math. Because math is very hard  .  and I can’t understand math. But now. there are some units that easier but almost of the lessons are very hard. I will not come again in CIA English Camp. Because though.  CIA camp is very exciting. but I missed my family. I Missed my room. my teacher and my best friend. I missed them a lot. I like CIA b ut CIA camp has many study lessons. I don’t like tyo study! Because study is boring and tiry.. So I don’t like to study. If my parents will decide that I will go to CIA camp again. I will choose never.



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