Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4013 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4013

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,536회    댓글: 0

4013 Seok Dong Hyun – Mathew


My CIA Experience



                 I arrived in the Philippines on July 26. 2014. I was so excited to see what Philippines have to offer. But at first. I was definitely afraid because I can’t understand what people say when I arrived because of their language. But I don’t have to worry about because I came here in the Philippines together with my mother. younger brother and youngest brother. I felt happy and excited and looking forward to what will happen. Aside from my brothers. my first friend here in CIA English Camp is no other than Park Gidong. Park Gidong is very friendly and funny. I joined CIA English Camp to learn more about English and to improve my communication skill using the universal language. The most memorable experiences I had was the water sports activity. shopping at SM. and recently the zip-line. It was so fun and exciting. I would like to do it again. The things I have learned here in CIA English Camp are I’ve learned how to speak. read and write in English well. Yes. I am most willing to join again next CIA English Camp because it was fun and exciting.


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