Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4012 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4012

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,516회    댓글: 0




I arrived here in Philippines last July 24 at 3:00AM.It is my third time in CIA camp but I still can’t adept in the weather in the Philippines.

The Philippines is a very hot and dump place. but in this camp. It is hot that much because in Korea is hotter than the Philippines. So. I felt hot but not very much.

My first friend is Julian. He is good at magic. I thought he is second grade in middle school. but he is third grade in middle school

I already joined twice in this camp. it was very funny. During my first camp. it was very tired. I missed my family and I missed my friends. but I didn’t feel the same way to my second and this camp

I like to talk with Filipino teachers that are the first reason why I come here again and second is the activities. The activities are very funny and interesting. Especially. I like zip line the most. It is very exciting. I hate to go upwards. but It’s so funny so it hides being scared.

If we come to CIA camp. we can learn English very much. Especially. we can learn English conversation. And we can learn Math too. but I think we can learn English more than Math.

I want to join this camp again. but I have to study for high school and 3 grade of middle school. So I am willing to join this camp to the Korean staff so. It means I will join again.


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