Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4011 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4011

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,451회    댓글: 0

4011 LUCY



                 I arrived in Mactan-Cebu International Airport on the 13th day of July at around 1 o’clock in the morning. I really felt nervous at first because it was my first summer camp in the Philippines. It was later on replaced with fun and excitement because I met a lot of friends. I met Andrew at the camp and we became good friends and at the same time we became roommates. He was the oldest student here at CIA camp during the first two weeks. James became my friend also together with Andrew. They were the very good friends of mine since the camp started. We became comfortable with each other easily because they were so funny.

                 I chose to join Cebu International Academy English Camp because want to enhance my English speaking ability. My mother searched in the internet about CIA camp and she found it good for me so I entered the camp right away.  When I arrived in the camp. I already felt that the teachers and staffs were really kind. As the class started. the were teaching all students very well. I also chose to study in CIA because they offer many fun adventures as part of learning. I experienced a lot of activities here especially every Saturday. We went to plantation bay resort and tried some water sports activities. We also experienced City Tour and Zipline Adventure. Part of their outreach program was visiting an orphanage. CASA Miani. I met a lot of orphaned Filipino kids there and make friends with them. We. students. were also given the chance to visit one of our teachers’ houses. We experienced funny activities and games and at the same time I witnessed the Filipino kind of living. We also went to SM Department store which was above all. the most memorable experience here in the camp. I enjoyed buying foods together with my friends. I was having a good time doing the SM Mission given to us by the staffs. I really couldn’t forget the SM activity.

                 Studying at CIA Camp gave me a lot of unforgettable experiences and the most valuable thing was the lessons I had learned as I studied and get along with all the people in the camp.

                 All of the things I learned in the Camp were my reasons why I was willing to join the next CIA English Camp again. These reasons made me feel excited to join again. CIA English Camp is not only a nice camp – it is the best camp.


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