Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4009 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4009

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,350회    댓글: 0

English Name: Jennifer (4009)                                                                                                  


Post Script



                  I arrived in the Philippines in July 25th. I felt nervous to be here in CIA English camp. I thought I can’t make good friends in this place. because I find myself as loner. I also felt happy to see teachers and friends in Tubod Flowing Water and Resort. My first friend is Lucy. I felt happy to see her. I joined in CIA camp to improve my English level; also I want to rest here. When I am in the house I just take a rest. sleep late and no more study just playing. I’ll waste time when I am home. My memorable experience was when we did School Visiting. but I don’t have enough time to stay in the school. The teacher looks like Teache Raziel. I have two new found friends in the school but I can’t remember their names. They are very kind to me. In the class. I played the boat is sinking I didn’t know how to play that game but the teacher and my friend thought me to play.

                  I learned Math. friend relationship and English very much. I learned math in Math class. and for being friendly. I want to join CIA camp because I like this camp most. In special and family camp. my English didn’t develop. In Sparta my English will be developed. I think this camp is good but I can’t join 24th Sparta camp because I need to study in middle school next year.


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