Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4007 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4007

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,381회    댓글: 0

ID #: 4007 Sera


                                                                         My CIA Experience



             I arrived in the Philippines last July 18. 2014 at midnight. I am very excited coming here again in the Philippines especially in CIA Sparta Junior Camp. This is my second time joining the CIA camp. I joined the 21st CIA Summer Camp before that’s why coming here is not that new to me. The reason why I join again in this camp is I missed all my friends. my Filipino teachers and as well as the Korean staff.

             I am very happy now because I am in group A. I am sad at first because I can see new faces but I am glad because I see some of my past teachers.

             It is also a very nice feeling to be returning back to our activities held at different places here in Cebu. Some of those were the City tour. Samgyupsal. Fishing. Water sports and Plantation Bay. I had fun on all of those activities. My first friends here in CIA were Anna. Ariel and Lisa. They are all very kind and nice at me.

             My most memorable experiences in CIA camp were seeing my summer camp teachers again and meeting some new friends. I will surely be very sad now that I will be going back to Korea. I will be looking forward to join the next camp again. I am very sad this time but my stay in the Philippines for the CIA camp is worthwhile and I will be keeping these memories in my heart forever.







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