Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4006 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4006

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,775회    댓글: 0

4006-Lee HyunKyung (Lily)





I arrived in the Philippines last July 25. 2014. I am very excited to visit Philippines when I’m still in Korea’s airport. When I reached Cebu Philippines . I was so happy and was also surprised when I saw the beautiful places of Cebu. I saw many tall buildings . The reason why I joined CIA English Camp was that I want to learn how to speak English words. write sentences and how to pronounce difficult English words by the help of the teachers. The most memorable  experienced I had with CIA English Camp  were the times I went to SM and go shopping . watersport experience. city tour Plantation bay resort.home visit .school visit and Casa Miani orphanage visit and scariest and most enjoyable zipline experience .

      The things I learned in CIA English Camp were knowing how to pronounce difficult english word. English spelling words . reading and writing english words and enhancing my listening and speaking skill. I am very much willing to join CIA English Camp and I am hoping  that my parents will still allow me to join.


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