Logger Script 23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4002 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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23rd CIA Sparta English Camp 4002

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,287회    댓글: 0

Name: JIN SU

ID NO: 4002



It’s my first time to visit in Philippines. I am here because I want to spend my summer in CIA English Camp. I arrived in the Philippines last July 25. 2014. I am happy to see new places like Cebu. Philippines.

                  My very first friend in CIA English Camp was Andrew. He immediately becomes my friend because our attitude jives with each other and we also have the same age. The reason why I travelled in Philippines is because my parents want me to study English. I need to learn how to read. to speak. to write and to listen English Language so that I could communicate with the other races.

                  I got a lot of memories in CIA like home visit. school visit. going to SM and have shopping. water sports experience. Plantation bay and riding a Zip line. Also. I enjoyed swimming with my friends and having a city tour.

                  I learned a lot in CIA English Camp. I learned how to communicate with the other people b y using English Language. I know how to write. to read. to speak. and to listen to English Language.

                  For the next CIA English Camp. it depends upon parents if they will still send me here to study English.



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