Logger Script 22nd CIA Special English Camp F8005 - 신지훈 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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22nd CIA Special English Camp F8005 - 신지훈

작성자: F8009_원혁주님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,335회    댓글: 0

22nd CIA Special English Camp  F8005 - 신지훈

My CIA Experience





I arrived in the Philippines last December 28 at midnight. On my first day in CIA. I felt tired because of the long trip from Korea going to the Philippines. At first. I was afraid because the place was new to me. But. after that. I felt excited and happy. I joined CIA camp because I want to learn English language. I heard that CIA is interesting and fun. My first friends in CIA are Logan and Alex. I liked them because they are very kind and fun to be with. Logan and I study together.


I have many memorable experiences in CIA. First. we went to Plantation Bay and that was a very fun activity. Another. when we went to SM to have our mission. Activities in CIA were very fun and memorable! I have learned many things in CIA camp; like reading. speaking. writing. listening. grammar. and also vocabulary skills have improved. I want to join CIA camp again because it’s very fun! And I enjoy learning English. Teachers and staff are very kind and particular. But. sometimes. they are scary too. I think making friends is difficult. But. making friends in CIA is easy. so I’m happy.


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