Korean name: Jang Ha Young<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
English name: Alice
ID Number: 4023
“My CIA Experience “
It was 20th day of July when I was at Incheon airport together with my cousin Jack; we flew to Philippines for almost six hours travel. I was very nervous for us. We arrived 2’o clock in the morning of 21st of July. My mother and father allow me to join in CIA camp. And I want it too. I meet my first friend her name is Lia. She is very kind. but she often cried and she also laughs loud. I like her. and my first sister is Jini and Jane. They are my first roommate. They are so kind to me. I like them too. I can’t erase the memories when we went to SM and went to plantation bay. I never forget this experience. I learn many things in CIA. first I learn about listening. before I can’t understand better English. Thanks to all teacher. Second I learn about reading. I’m good at my pronunciation. Third. I know now about many vocabularies and learn English at first. I don’t know teacher Jene. Riza. and teacher Deana but later I can understand what the teacher said and there English languages used. I thought CIA camp is so boring but now it is very fun and enjoyable!! Finally. I join in here again. because in my first week I feel so bored and I’m scared. but later it’s not because we always go to SM or activity. It’s so great!! In other hand. I will never joined CIA camp again because its so hard and so tiring I don’t want to be far away to my family and although I make friends in here. but I don’t want to be alone in here without my parents I was really thinking too much. if I would join the CIA camp again. it will be good because I have a lot of experience and fun though sometimes too tired. Maybe in the next camp I want together with my family. lastly. I would like to thank to my entire teacher here in CIA namely teacher Genevieve. teacher Rizza and teacher Deana.