Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4066 HWANG JIHYUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4066 HWANG JIHYUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 12:03:53    조회: 2,334회    댓글: 0


I arrived in Philippines last December 31, 2018. It was Monday in the evening. I am very sleepy when I arrived I wanted to sleep after I eat bread, banana and drunk water but I was talking with my roommates. They teach me how to learn and study English in CIA. What do you feel on your first day in CIA? I felt very nervous and busy. I wanted to go home because I don’t have friends and I really missed my family so much. I cried on that time. And there is also punishment if we can do bad things. I really don't like it. Why did you join CIA English camp class? At first day I didn't joined the class. I just wanted to go home but when I read my parents letter. I felt good and I encouraged to study. After two weeks I know how to live and communicate other people and concentrate study in CIA. I joined CIA English camp because I want to learn more and to speak better in English language. Who were your first friends in CIA camp? My first friends in CIA camp are my roommates but at first day we don’t know each other. I don't know them and they don't know me too. Until were talking and knowing each other. We played many times and became a good friend. I am very happy because I meet many friends in CIA camp. What were your memorable experiences in CIA camp? My memorable experience in CIA camp are having Man to Man teacher. They treated me good not only a student but as a close friend I can tell my problem to them. They advise me and help me to find a solution. I am grateful to have a teacher like them I am very happy we talked a lot of things. What are the things you learned in CIA camp? I learned a lot of things in CIA camp. I learned more in English skills. I learned what friendship is. I learned how to take good care of myself and etc. I have elder mind when I will go back to Korea Soul. Do you want to join CIA English camp again? Why? For now, I cannot say yes but If there are three weeks’ camp in CIA. I will join again I want to have more experience and to learn more in English language. Even though its tired but I enjoyed so much.



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