Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4058 HWANGBO EUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4058 HWANGBO EUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:44:52    조회: 1,380회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines last January 6,2019. I rode an airplane going to Philippines. I arrived Philippines at 3am. I felt very sleepy in my first day in CIA because I arrived at 3am dawn. I felt very sad because I already missed my home in Korea. I felt nervous because I will be able to meet new friends. When I met new friends here I felt a little relieved now. I join CIA English Camp to enhance more my English skills and met new friends. My father told me to join CIA Camp so he sent me here in the Philippines. I told my friends to join the camo for them to enhance more their English well. My friend’s mother allowed them to join CIA camp also. When I came here in Cebu, Philippines I am with my friends from Korea. My first friend name is Minju. I also met new friends namely Nali, Sandy and Heewoo. We are in the same villa. I like Nali. We are very good friends like best of friends. My memorable CIA experiences was when we visited the Plantation Bay. I like their buffet foods it’s very delicious. There is a swimming pool so I swam together with my friends. The place was very clean, comfortable and beautiful. I also experienced the zip line it was very exciting activity for me. I love shopping so when we went shopping I really enjoy it. I felt very happy and excited also when I do shopping. We go SM mall and J.Centre Mall. I learned a lot here in CIA English Camp. I learned to value and manage my time. I value time because time is very precious for me. I get up early and went to exercises which is good for my health. I learned discipline and how to be kind to other students. I want to join CIA English Camp again because I learned a lot of things. I like learning English the way Filipino Teacher’s taught me. I also want to meet new friends more who will join the camp. Thank You.



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