Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4057 KIM MINJU > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4057 KIM MINJU

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:42:57    조회: 1,378회    댓글: 0


I think my first day in CIA English Camp was very long and I was exhausted because I met a lot of new things. My first day in CIA English Camp was so long but it was memorable. I always remember the day in which I first met my roommates. I treasured my friends the most. We have a lot of memorable moments together. In CIA English Camp, I learned more about English and I learned building relationship too. I sleep and exist with the people who have the same age with me that’s why I also learned how to express my opinion as well as how to listen to others. Also, I learned how to maintain harmonious relationship with my villa mates. Those learnings make me grow more and it develops my personality. Actually, I don’t want to join CIA English Camp because I thought I couldn’t adapt to the learning environment. I just came here because of my father. My father wants to join here in CIA English Camp, however, he has something very important to attend to in Korea. I think I want to join CIA English Camp again. I can’t believe that I wish to come back here again maybe because I learned a lot in English and maybe because I became optimistic person here in the camp. I am planning to invite my friends again to come back here in CIA English Camp. I am looking forward to be here next camp. Thank you!




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