Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4056 LEE NAYEONG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4056 LEE NAYEONG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:41:12    조회: 1,511회    댓글: 0


Hello, my name is Lee Nayeong and my english name is Chloe. I’m 18 years old and I'm from Seoul, Korea. I arrived here in the Philippines last January 6, 2019.And came here at CIA English Camp to learn English. In fact, my parents want me to study more about English. So that, I can enhance my English too. First, when I arrived here, I felt nervous and excited and I thought that if I want to go home early, they would be okay, but unfortunately they did not agree because they want me to finish my class here in CIA English Camp. But it’s okay now because it’s fun and I had many good teachers. I don’t know because my parents joined CIA English Camp before. So I'm here in the Philippines at CIA English Camp to learn and to have kore knowledge in English. And I want to speak English fluently. So that, if ever I go to the another country I can communicate with them using English. I met my friends in the same villa that I'm staying. There are names are Nali, Ahyeong, Hewo, Eun, Sandy, Youme, Minju and Jenna. They are very kind and cool. We went to SM City together and we ride zip line. And also we went to the pool. My memorable experience was when the time we went to the sea because it was very fun. We also ride banana boat and jet ski. So we had a good experience. Also, we went to SM Market and I bought many good things. I learn many things particular in speaking because before I'm not good in English speaking but now there is an improvement like in constructing a sentences and my grammar. Even though Philippines is a good county, but I like Korea more. And I will be studying in Korea for my better future and I want my dream come true someday. And it was my memorable experience here in CIA English and it gives me to be a responsible person.



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