Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4054 RYU SEA HWAN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4054 RYU SEA HWAN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:34:46    조회: 1,498회    댓글: 0


We came here in the Philippines on January 6, 2019. It took five hours to travel here from Korea. We came here at eleven o'clock in the evening. I feel excited at first because I will see Philippines again. I was also happy because I would have new friends. I would see old and new teachers in the camp again. I came here in CIA because I want to learn English. Learning English is fun. It is helpful for me to develop my skills. I want adventure here in the Philippines because of its beauty. I had no friend at first day here. I was very shy to talk to other. Then time came that I need to have friends that's why I talk to someone. I forgot his name. We had many memorable experiences. We had gone to SM Cebu. We've watched movie there. We also went to JMall and Waterpark. We rode in a zip line. During foretime, we had a lots of activities inside the camp. I learn to speak more in English language. I learn to communicate to other people. I learn new words. I also learn rules here in CIA. Maybe. If my parents allow me, then I will come here. I want to learn more about English. I want to have more friends. And I love Filipino teachers.



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