Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4048 KIM SU YEUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4048 KIM SU YEUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:20:58    조회: 1,512회    댓글: 0



Hi! My Korean name is Kim Su Eun. My English name is Jenny. I'm from Korea. I will talk today about my experiences here in CIA. I arrived here first week on January 2019. It's my first time here in Cebu. I am afraid because my mom and dad are not with me. I arrived here with my friend only. During my first day here in CIA, I am happy and sad. I'm happy because I can meet new friends. I'm sad because I missed my mom and dad. I'm also excited because it's my first time here. I join CIA English camp because I want to learn English. I want to improve my English skills. I want to experience new environment. And I also want to meet new friends. My first friend in CIA English camp is Amy. She is kind. We became friends because she's very friendly. She talked to me first. My memorable experiences in CIA camp are that I have met kind teachers, like teacher Michella. I met also new friends in my villa. We had an adventure also we try zip line, it's our activity that time. Also shopping where I can buy snacks. I learned many things here in CIA English camp. I learned some lessons in our activity. I learned more in English class. Learning English is very fun. It's not easy but I enjoyed it. That's why I want to join CIA English camp again. I want to join together with my family. Aside from we are learning English language. It’s our bonding also here in Cebu. Thank you.



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