Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4046 KWON JAE WON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4046 KWON JAE WON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:05:42    조회: 1,479회    댓글: 0



I arrived here in the Philippines on January 6, 2019. I felt so tired on that day. So I arranged my things first in my room and put them in their proper places. Then, I take a short shower. After, i take a rest because I am so very sleepy. I felt so nervous in my first day here in CIA. It is because I don't have friends. And I already missed my parents. I really want to go back home. But day passed by I already enjoy my stay here. I joined CIA Camp because my parents want me to learn English language. And it is also my choice to study english. It is because English Language is very important in communicating people. English language is a universal language. So that is why I want to learn english and to improve my speaking skills. My first friends here in CIA are Jay, Sang Yun and James because they are my villa mate. They are very fun to be with. We enjoy playing different kinds of games. After our class, we always talk about some random things. We talk about what we like and what we don't like. My memorable experiences in CIA Camp is when we go shopping every Wednesday. Wednesday is a very exciting day for me. We go to SM mall and we play bowling. We also try the ice skating. I really missed the weather in Korea. The things that I've learned in CIA English Camp is on how to pronounce the words correctly. On how to use the punctuation marks properly. Then I also learn how to write and read English. On how to spell the words correctly. I really learned a lot and at same time enjoying here. I want to join the CIA camp again. Because I want to meet new people and new friends. And to learn more English language. I want to be a good speaker in English. And I also want to improve my speaking skills.




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