Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4045 PARK SI WOO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4045 PARK SI WOO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 11:01:23    조회: 1,390회    댓글: 0

                 MY CIA CAMP EXPERIENCES

Hello my name is Park Si Woo, I’m going to talk about my CIA experiences. I arrived in the Philippines on January 6th and I can’t remember the time. The moment I arrived here in CIA camp I felt nervous and tired. I just read some of the books i brought from Korea. I saw many Korean students also and I was happy. I know that I would make a lot of friends here. By that time also, I felt homesick and really missed my mother and father. I did not get used to being far away from my parents and my family. But on the second day, I learned to adjust and enjoy my stay here in the camp. I met many Korean students and Filipino people and they are very kind. I had a lot of fun during my stay here in the camp even though I missed my family back there in Korea. The reason why I joined CIA camp is that my father wants me to, because he knew that this camp would be helpful for me and he wants me to enjoy it also and explore new things. My mother also wants me to go here because she wants me to learn more about English so that I could be better in speaking and writing English. I really listened to my parents because they want and know what’s best for me and I know that this camp would be very helpful for my future. Me and my parents always communicate every weekend to check me up even for a short time, they knew that the they didn’t make a bad decision in sending me to this camp and they were very happy. My first friends here in CIA camp were Joseph and William. They are very funny and kind. We really get along well with each other. We always have fun doing things together in the camp. I’m really happy that I met them because they helped me to be more confident in socializing and getting along with other students. My memorable experiences here in the camp are so many and those memories are sometimes happy, tiring, sad but all in all was worth it. I always feel happy when it’s time for shopping because I could go to malls and buy goods especially books on National Book Store. Also, we went to zip line, I had a lot of fun there even though it’s scary. We also went to the beach and rode jet ski and banana boat. I had a lot of good memories here in CIA camp and the most memorable one is when it’s time for special activities because we get a lot of time to relax and enjoy after a whole week of class. Actually, I really had a lot of things learned in the camp but the funniest one was at first, I thought that punishment was funny but it wasn’t. I also learned to follow rules and regulations so that you will not get punished. I also enhanced my skills and knowledge in English, I know how to use words and write sentences properly. I also learned to get along well with everybody and have fun every time even though sometimes I get tired studying. I don’t want to join the camp again maybe this experience is more than enough for me because I get to know the basics on how English language works. I also got tired writing in diary class because all we did was study all day but I know this is very helpful for me. The next time I come back here in the Philippines is to travel and enjoy vacations with my family and by that I could use also use the knowledge I learned from the camp. Thank you.




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