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32th CIA English camp : K4040 YUN HYUN SEO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 20:15:20    조회: 1,502회    댓글: 0


I travelled from Korea Airport at night on January 6 then arrived in Philippine airport on the 7th of January. It is already midnight. When I arrived at Philippine Airport, I saw the CIA camp staff waiting for us, students. Then we came here at crown regency by dawn, so I slept in my villa. Then I woke up at 7am of January 7 but my teacher told me I can sleep until 10am so I sleep again. During my first day in CIA, all I feel is "I really want to go home". I feel very sad every day because I really miss my family. It's my first time to be far from them, and live for how many weeks without them so I feel so sad. I cried every night and always say that I really want to go home and I don’t want to stay here anymore. I always tell my teachers about what I feel and they help me not to always think about it, they give me some advice and I'm slowly becoming fine. I decided to join CIA English Camp because my friends and I planned in Korea to join the camp during the winter vacation. Because some of my friends joined CIA Camp twice and thrice so they knew about the camp. Then, they told me that during the camp there are many activities, so my friends and I are very excited about it. I wanted to have fun memories with my friends during the camp. Also, I heard from them that the activities are very fun, exciting and interesting. My first friend in CIA Camp is sally. Sally and I are school friends; we've already known each other. Then we're also together in the airplane. Aside from my school friends, my first friend here are my villa mates. They are very kind to me and we always talk about missing our family. So we became friends because we feel the same way by missing our family and by staying here in the camp. The most memorable part of staying here in the camp is when we're going to call our family. I always look forward on calling my family because I really miss them. Also when we went to SM Mall and went shopping and ice skating. Shopping with friends is very fun. We bought many things for my friends and family and I bought foods too. Ice skating too is one of my memorable experience because it's my first time to try ice skating so, it's very exciting. I learned many things during my stay here in the camp. I learned to be strong because when I arrived here I always cry then time passed I realized that I'm slowly becoming strong. I also learned the Philippine culture just like Sinulog Festival. My teachers always talked about it and share to me about the festivals. From what I've heard from them, I think Sinulog is very fun because I can see in their faces that they are happy sharing about the festival. For now, my answer is no because it’s my first time and I miss my family. This camp is very tiring like studying, speech practice, diary writing, and math class every night. But man to man class was very fun and exciting because of my teachers, they are very energetic and they will help you not to feel sad. They will give you advice for you not to feel lonely.





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