Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4009 KIM JUN HYEOK > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4009 KIM JUN HYEOK

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 17:35:42    조회: 1,585회    댓글: 0

MY CIA CAMP EXPERIENCES0f995c1c94ff05032cdaf125c74dcf4e_1550651728_6916.jpg

I came here because of my parent’s request so I didn’t had interest here first. My first day when I arrive here and it was one of the memorable day for me, because it was the first day in CIA, I was remembering first day schedule was full of orientation, actually my feeling in the first day was, same as the feeling in Korea, I didn’t feel special, homesick like other students, I was just a little bit exhausted and sleepy and I’m just worrying around friend problem little bit. During 4weeks of staying here in CIA CAMP has given me a present how to talk comfortably with the foreigners, and I think this is very valuable thing which I can’t change of get using money, having conversation with my man to man teacher was very helpful about what I said in the above. actually I don’t have mind to come to English camp, but if I don’t have a choice about going to the camp I would rather choose CIA instead of other camp, it will be my twice time if I come back here, so it would be more comfortable going other place and I will miss all the teachers in CIA.



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