Logger Script 31th CIA English camp -K6017 OH WON SEOK > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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31th CIA English camp -K6017 OH WON SEOK

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2018-09-11 16:03:34    조회: 1,957회    댓글: 0



Hello! I’m Brian. I arrived here in Philippines last July 4, 2018. When I came here in CIA I thought that I will enjoy. I join CIA camo because my mother wants me to study English to enhance my English speaking skills. My first friend here in CIA was Chris. He is my roommate that’s why we had a lot of time to talk. My memorable experience here in CIA was when we do sea sports in Jpark. I love swimming. I've learned how to speak well in English. Honestly, I don’t want to join CIA camp again because it takes a lot of time to study.



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