Logger Script 31th CIA English camp -K6004 JI SEUNGYEON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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31th CIA English camp -K6004 JI SEUNGYEON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2018-09-11 15:00:11    조회: 1,912회    댓글: 0



         Hi everyone my name is Lizzy. I’m 12 years old. I live in Korea. I am now talking about my CIA experience.

          I arrived here on Philippines last July 14,2018. In my first day here in CIA I feel sad and I want to go back home because I miss my family. It’s my first time traveling without my family specially my mom. I will be honest I don’t like to study English but my mom wants me to join CIA and study English so I don’t have a choice. My first friend here in CIA are Ruri, Cyndi and Juha because we are same villa from the start until the end. I had a lot of memorable experience while I’m staying here in CIA first is going shopping, it’s my first time go shopping with friends and its fun. Second is the activity I really enjoy during activity specially J-Park the place is very nice. I learned many things here like math and English specially the speech. Next camp I will not joining again because I feel tired and I only sleep little because I talk with friend. I am thankful to all my CIA teachers and Korean staff to make me learn something and also for my mom for letting me experience this camp. Thank you CIA!



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