Logger Script 31th CIA English camp -K4040 LIM SEONGBIN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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31th CIA English camp -K4040 LIM SEONGBIN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2018-09-11 13:44:28    조회: 1,472회    댓글: 0



        Hi everyone, my name is Andy. I am 14 years old and I live in Korea. Now I will talk about my CIA camp experiences. I arrived here in Philippines last July 23,2018. In my first day staying here in CIA I feel sad, because I am far from my family. It is the first time I've been far from them. Honestly, at first I don't like to join CIA not because I don’t want to learn or I don’t like CIA but because I will miss my family. When my mom said she will buy new phone if I come to CIA so I don’t have a choice. I have a lot of friends here in CIA but my first friends are Daniel and Dean because we are same age. I have a lot of memories while I’m staying here but the most memorable is when I go to Jollibee and the price are cheaper than Korea, I really surprise for the price. I learned many things in CIA even though its hard but very fun. I can speak English now and still learning more. Next CIA camp I will not joining again not because I don’t want to join again in CIA camp because I don’t want to be far from my family. I’m thankful to CIA for making my summer vacation full of learning and fun. Thank you CIA.



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