Logger Script 30th CIA English camp - 2-5003 YUNSEO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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30th CIA English camp - 2-5003 YUNSEO

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-04-02 13:20:10    조회: 1,457회    댓글: 0



                I arrived here in the Philippines last January 7, 2018. On my first day here in CIA, I felt home sick because I was not used to be apart with my family and I cannot adapt to the time difference between Korea and Philippines. There is one hour interval. My parents send me to CIA English Camp to study and learn English. My mom promised that this would be my last camp. As days passed by, I already adapted to the environment here in the CIA.

             I have met new friends there names are Celina, Ivy, Amy, Alice and Jamie. My friends always play with me. My friends are always there when I am sad and lonely. We make a lot of memorable moments together. We have a lot of experiences here in CIA Camp.  During Saturday activities, we are having much fun. We went shopping, eating chicken and spaghetti inside the Jollibee, go fishing and eat fatback. It was my third time to go fishing, but it was my first time to catch a fish. I learned a lot in CIA Camp. Aside from learning, I learned also the importance of the family and friends. I think I cannot come back here again. Thank you!



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