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30th CIA English camp - 2-4018 EUIJUN

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-03-28 18:45:13    조회: 1,543회    댓글: 0


I heard the word CIA CAMP in December 2017, one month before I arrive here in the Philippines I came here because of my parents request so I didn’t had interest here first. January 9 is the day when I arrive here and it was one of the memorable day for me, because it was the first day in CIA, I was remember first day schedule was full of orientation, actually my feeling in the first day was, same as the feeling in Korea, I didn’t feel special, homesick like other students, I was just a little bit exhausted and sleepy and I’m just worrying around friend problem little bit.

I think the twin (Lucas and Brian) were my first friend who came to me first, I thought the twins was quite at first but they weren’t they are very funny and we had fun talking about, teacher Gabrielle I am little bit sad to face the fact that we have to farewell each other this Saturday, plantation bay they have very big swimming pool, it was fun as its depths and I was little reluctant of not knowing how to swim, however it was very good experience to me.

During 4weeks of staying here in CIA CAMP has give me a present how to talk comfortably with the foreigners, and I think this is very valuable thing which I cant change of get using money, having conversation with my man2man teacher was very helpful about what I said in the above. actually I don’t have mind to come to English camp, but if I don’t have a choice about going to the camp I would rather choose CIA instead of other camp, it will be my twice time if I come back here, so it would be more comfortable going other place and I will miss all the teachers in CIA.!



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