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30th CIA English camp - 2-4017 DAHYUN

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2018-03-28 18:39:46    조회: 1,397회    댓글: 0


I arrived here in Philippines last January 7, 2018. On my first day, I felt homesick and a little bit unwell because I missed my family and I’ m not feeling good to the weather.  I t could boost my bad temper. My friend invited me to join the CIA English Camp because it was fun and challenging. So, my parents decided to send me to CIA English Camp to learn more about English language. They wanted me to learn how to speak English well. So that, wherever I go it was easy for me to communicate different people in other countries. I have many friends namely, Lisa, Ji woo, and Reina. My friends are always when I’m sad. We have memorable moments together. I treasured my friends so much. My memorable experiences here in CIA English Camp are doing some activities like zip-lining. I felt so nervous. I learned a lot here in CIA English Camp. Aside from learning on how to speak English, I’m also learned on how to swim completely. I am now a good swimmer. I want to join CIA English Camp again. Memories in CIA can’t be paid off. It was very challenging and special for me.



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