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29th CIA English camp - 4108 Sue ji

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,738회    댓글: 0

My CIA Camp Experiences


I arrived here in CIA last July 22. 2017. I felt very bad because I don’t want to come here and study English. My mom decided that we. together with my sister need to go and study English here in CIA. Philippines. My first friends here in CIA are Gracy and Amy. They are very kind and we had a great time with each other. Also they are my villa mates. There are a lot of memorable things that I’ve experienced here in CIA; Zip line. west town lagoon and SM shopping are the most remembering activities. I like zip line because it’s very exciting and interesting to ride a zip line. I like west town lagoon too because it’s very fun and we had a great time with my friends. SM shopping is the most because it’s very good and cool because we can buy the things that we want and things that we need. A lot of things I’ve learned here also. being friendly with other students with other nationalities. learning English and enhancing my English speaking skills. Learning Math and solving problems and singing and dancing the songs “SMILE IN YOUR HEART” and “GLOWING INSIDE”. I enjoyed being here but I don’t think I can come back here in CIA CAMP because it’s very tiring.



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